Insulation - Rigid Board
Platinum Series Insulation® by Alside gives you two ways to improve your energy-efficiency.
Due to its versatility, ease of installation and consistent performance benefits, rigid EPS insulating sheathing is a standard in the industry. Amvic has recently introduced SilveRboard a reflective aluminum foil lamination to the rigid EPS insulation board to increase the resistance of radiant heat absorption.
Atlas Roofing
Atlas ACFoam products are among the most sustainable and widely used building insulation materials available today.
Atlas insulating sheathing materials are the most cost effective, energy efficient exterior wall insulation available in the marketplace.
Building Products of Canada
Building Products of Canada has a wide selection of insulating sheathing products.
No other board insulation gives you as much R-value per dollar as Cellofoam® EPS.
Rigid Foam Insulation
Dupont Rigid Foam Insulation replaces non-insulating above-grade sheathing products like plywood, fiberboard and OSB, and eliminates the need for additional air barriers such as housewrap.
Environmentally Safe Products
ESP Low-E reflective is manufactured using a polyethlyene foam core with scrim reinforced double sided aluminum facings.
Firestone Building Products
With its superior energy efficiency, greater cost effectiveness and proven fire safety, Firestone polyiso insulation is the insulation trusted most by roofing professionals.
FOAMGLAS® thermal insulation is manufactured by Owens Corning, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cellular glass insulation.
IKO Ener-Air and IKO Enerfoil are non-structural sheathing rigid polyisocyanurate insulation boards, engineered to provide improved thermal resistance. Both are HCFC-free.
Insulation Corporation of America
Insulation Corporation of America (ICA), located in Allentown, PA, is a women and family owned, "Made in America" manufacturer of expanded polystyrene (EPS). EPS is commonly used as insulation for walls, foundations and roofing.
Johns Manville
Johns Manville foam boards are used as insulation/nailbase underlayment for a variety of roofing systems and sidewall applications.
Kingspan GreenGuard
Kingspan GreenGuard XPS Insulation Board is ideal for a variety of applications, including below slab, below grade along the foundation, inside basement walls, exterior insulation over wood sheathing, and residing.
Knauf Insulation
Knauf Insulation insulation board is made from inorganic glass fibers pre-formed into boards bonded by a thermosetting resin.
Low-E Northeast
Whether it’s under slab, under roof, around duct work or wrapping the entire house, ESP Low-E® Reflective Insulation saves more money on heating and cooling than regular insulation and housewrap.
Owens Corning - Insulation - Residential
From the attic overhead to the basement below to the walls in between, Owens Corning offers simple home insulation solutions that improve the way you live every day.
P2000 Insulation Systems
With the P2000 Insulation System, walls no longer need to be thick to be well insulated.
Perma "R" Products
Perma “R” Products HALO GPS R5 per nominal inch rigid foam line is manufactured for any job or application. Custom sizes and a termite protection additive available upon request.
Perma “R” Products PolyPro EPS R3.85 per inch rigid foam is manufactured for any job or application. Custom sizes and a termite protection additive available upon request.
POLYTHERM® is a high efficiency thermal insulation board composed of a rigid closed cell polyisocyanurate foam core bonded to glass fiber mat facers.
Progressive Foam
Progressive Foam® is a manufacturer of foam insulation products for home exterior siding applications and is the inventor of insulated vinyl siding.
Discover Progressive Foam's Proboard FR, the interior insulation solution perfectly designed for spaces left unfinished.
At Rmax, we pride ourselves on offering the most comprehensive line of high-quality, environmentally sound, polyiso roof and wall insulation products, meeting virtually any application.