Lumber & Engineered Wood - Dimension

Bennett Lumber Products, Inc.

Production for Bennett sawmills consists of quality dimension lumber including Douglas Fir, White Fir, Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine, Idaho White Pine, Inland Red Cedar, and Ponderosa Pine.

Subcategory: Dimension, Lumber, Pattern Stock
Species: Cedar, Doug Fir, EnglemanSpruce / LodgepolePine, Inland Red Cedar, Ponderosa Pine, White Fir, White Pine

Humboldt Redwood

Humboldt Sawmill offers FSC certified Green Douglas-fir in rough and surfaced four sides dimensions.

Subcategory: Dimension, Lumber, Rough
Species: Doug Fir

Landon Lumber Company

Landon Lumber Company offers a wide selection of quality grade lumber, plywood, dimensional lumber and engineered wood products.

Subcategory: Dimension, Engineered Panels & Boards, Treated/Coated
Species: Cedar, Doug Fir, Fir, Pine

Millar Western Forest Products

Millar Western spruce, pine, fir (SPF) dimension lumber is used in a variety of applications, including residential and commercial construction, fencing and decking.

Subcategory: Boards, Dimension
Species: Doug Fir, Spruce-Pine-Fir